Quiz: Do You Write These Numbers Differently Like Everyone Else?

Everyone has their own handwriting style. Curious to see how common your way of writing numbers is? Check out the examples below and choose the number that looks most like your handwriting. It’s a fun way to discover something new about yourself.

1. How do you write this number?

The number “1” can be written as a simple vertical line, sometimes with a small top or bottom line for distinction.

Quiz: Do You Write These Numbers Differently Like Everyone Else?

2. How do you write this number?

The number “2” is written with a curved line on top and a diagonal line ending in a horizontal base.

Quiz: Do You Write These Numbers Differently Like Everyone Else?

3. How do you write this number?

The number “3” consists of two stacked, curved lines, starting from the top and ending at the middle and bottom.

Quiz: Do You Write These Numbers Differently Like Everyone Else?

4. How do you write this number?

The number “4” has an open-top triangle on the left and a vertical line on the right, forming an angle.

Quiz: Do You Write These Numbers Differently Like Everyone Else?

5. How do you write this number?

The number “5” starts with a horizontal line at the top, followed by a vertical line, and finishes with a curve

Quiz: Do You Write These Numbers Differently Like Everyone Else?

6. How do you write this number?

The number “6” is drawn with a small loop at the top, forming a larger circle at the bottom.

Quiz: Do You Write These Numbers Differently Like Everyone Else?

7. How do you write this number?

The number “7” is made with a horizontal line at the top and a diagonal line descending from the right side.

8. How do you write this number?

The number “8” is written with two stacked circles, one on top of the other, forming a continuous loop or figure eight.

9. How do you write this number?

The number “9” starts with a small circle at the top and finishes with a straight line downwards.

10. How do you write this number?

The number “10” combines a vertical line (for the “1”) next to a circular “0”, forming the number ten.        

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