C Train



168th Street (Originally 168th Street-Washington Heights) Opened 9/10/1932: is discussed on the complexes page



163rd Street-Amsterdam Ave (161st Street/Amsterdam Ave and St. Nicholas Ave) opened 9/10/1932:  Exits are located at 161st and 162nd Streets only.  Descending from one of the 2 street stairs at the 161st Street/Amsterdam Ave side, one can see an floor imprint facing the current  booth further down.  It is where the old-style change booth once existed, giving the impression that when the station first opened, most of the mezzanine layout was inside fare control and a crossover from one platform side to another was allowed.  Today, the booth is between the 161st street exits and the lone 162nd street exit and 2 separate fare controls exist, one to each side and the mezzanine is cut off in half.  There is no crossover allowed, except if you have any type of Unlimited Ride MetroCard.  The area beyond 162nd street is sealed off, thus there were exits at the north end at 163rd street along with 2 closed staircases from platform to mezzanine level.  (Some evidence of the “163” with directional arrows, still exist on the platform tablets.)  Station is 2 tracks and 2 side platforms, the 2 express tracks are directly below the station.  There are 3 stairs to each platform, along with open air vents that are visible at both ends of each platform.  There is at least one “ghost booth” reported, this would be at the closed 163rd street end.



155th Street (155th Street and Saint Nicholas Ave) Opened 9/10/1932:  Similar to 163rd street, but station layout is not as complex.  Station had full length mezzanine, as evident by closed area at south end.  This area is now used as a NYCT station facility.  2 tracks and 2 side platforms, the express tracks are again beneath the station.  6 street stairs and 4 stairs to each platform, there is also closed staircases at the south end leading up to the old 153rd street side and possible ghost booth.   



145th Street-Harlem (St. Nicholas Ave between 145th and 147th Streets) opened 9/10/1932: This station has 2 levels, the upper level is where the A (See A Lefferts and A Rockaway) and C trains stop, and the lower level is where the Concourse B and D trains stop here.  There are 2 full time mezzanines, one at 145th street (4 street stairs available, one for each corner), and the other at 147th street (2 street stairs).  Each side has 3 stairs from mezzanine to the upper level, and 1 escalator from each mezzanine, directly down to the Uptown only side lower level (B/D) platform.  There are no escalators from the Downtown side to upper level.  Like many other IND stations when first opened, it had a full length mezzanine connecting both of today’s mezzanines; this space is now used by the NYPD as a Transit Bureau District Office.  Unknown to most people, there was also exits in the middle of the closed mezzanine, there actually is (what appears to be) an original 1932 IND sign on the Downtown, upper level side that sits overhead in the middle of the platform. To see this sign, you need to stand and face the north end it reads “exit to street”.  Outside of the station, on the street, a closed and slabbed over staircase still sits on the NW corner of 146th Street and St. Nicholas.  The upper level is 4 tracks and 2 island platforms; however the lower level has 3 tracks and 2 island platforms.  The Uptown platform on the lower level is wider than the Downtown platform, the possible IND plan was to make the Concourse line in the Bronx as 4 tracks, but plans were scaled back down to 3.  The Concourse line opened a year later after the first IND line (1933).  This station is where midday and evening B trains terminate on the middle track before returning back to Brooklyn.  During AM and PM rush hours, the same middle track is used by D Concourse express trains in the peak direction traveled only (AM Southbound and PM Northbound).  From this point down to 59th Street/Columbus Circle, there are 4 lines  A ( See A Lefferts and A Rockaway , B, C, D) running.  From 145th the train enters a maze of complex switches, but is actually easier to figure things out when you ride area between these points a few times each way.



135th Street (Saint Nicholas Ave between 135th and 137th Streets) opened 9/10/1932:  Local stop, tile band now becomes green.  This is the only local stop that has 6 tracks separating both side platforms.  Fare controls are all at platform level, no mezzanine and no crossover or crossunder.  The full time booths are at the 135th street side (one booth to each side, 3 stairs on Uptown side, 1 stair on Downtown side), and the Part time sides at 137th Street had ghost booths and 1 street stair to each side.  There were restrooms at the north end of the Downtown platform.   Both of the street stairs on the downtown side were built facing Morningside Park and have a 19th Century feel to them.  The exit-only stair from the Part time Uptown side features a nice array of stone casting in a Cathedral like setting, originally built in 1932, not your common steel entrance.  Of the 6 tracks, only 4 are in active revenue service.  The other 2 tracks are only used for non-revenue service.



125th Street (125th Street and Saint Nicholas Ave.)  Opened 9/10/1932:  Express stop in the heart of Harlem’s busiest commercial strip, it is an express stop with 4 tracks and 2 island platforms.  The station had a renovation in the 1980’s, during which the set of stairs to each platform at the north end were removed.  The current plan restored these 2 stairs at the far North end.  Station has full length mezzanine with one each of  Fulltime and Part time fare control areas. fulltime side at 125th street has 4 street stairs and Part time side has 2 street stairs. There are 5 stairs to each platform.  There are large scale photos of Harlem in the 1920’s and 1930’s,  In the middle of the mezzanine, there is evidence of closed stairs and exits to 126th street, one on each side.  One of the stairs appears to lead into a business that existed at street level.  The tile band on the platform walls is untouched from the 1980’s renovation and is green 



116th Street (West 116th Street/Frederick Douglas Boulevard Ave)   opened 9/10/1932: 4 tracks, 2 side platforms.  Each side has one platform level mezzanine, no crossover or underpass and 2 street stairs.  116,135, and 163 Street are the only 3stations north of 59th Street that do not permit doubling back to the opposite direction without leaving the system.   There is evidence on both sides of an abandoned Part time entrance or exit at the north end, by West 118th St.   




110th Street Cathedral Parkway( West 109th St and Central Park West)   opened 9/10/1932:   Local station with Fulltime mezzanine and crossover at 109th Street side at south end with 2 street stairs and 2 stairs to each platform.  The station and wall tiles were recently restored to a near immaculate appearance.  Additional Part time booth and fare control at southbound side to Cathedral Parkway, the street stairs were most likely extended when the apartment high-rise at the Northwest corner of Central Park West and Cathedral Parkway was built in the 1970’s.  There is evidence of an underpass at the 110th St side, and a closed booth on the Northbound side.  This station and 103rd St are very interesting places for train watching, especially seeing the unusual track configuration of the Northbound express track.  At 110th Street, the trains rise up from below at the north end.  Artwork: “Migrations” by Christopher Wynter (1999) At this point below 110th St, the Southbound (Downtown) tracks will drop below the Northbound side to create bi-level stations from 103rd St to 72nd St.  Downtown trains will use the lower level, while Uptown trains use the upper level.  Due to the track configuration, the Northbound express track drops from upper to lower level at 103rd St, then rises back up at 110th St-Cathedral Parkway, an unusual place to watch in the NYC subway system . The secondary name comes from the nearby Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

According to the MTA Web Site” At Cathedral Parkway, Harlem’s southern boundary, three large mosaic murals were created that refer to migration and African homelands. “Overall, the panels present the ideas of uprooting, migration, and progress in symbolic form,” says artist Christopher Wynter. He further explains that the blocks of color differentiate various African ancestral homelands, and the circular symbol represents the n’kis, or sacred place concept, of the Nkongo people. Houses on stilts suggest Central African buildings, while horizontal bands of color denote village paths. Wheels and walking feet describe faraway destinations, according to Wynter, and reference the mass movements of Africans throughout history. The station is located below Frederick Douglass Circle. Douglass, the abolitionist crusader, is also depicted..”””



103rd Street (West 103rd Street and Central Park West) Opened 9/10/1932:There used to be 3 entrances to this station, only one now exists, 1 street stair to mezzanine, with one stair level down to Southbound local platform.  The Northbound express track runs from upper to lower level before rising up at 110th Street.  Signs to abandoned 102nd and 104th Street exits are covered with red with white “Exit” signs. 



96th Street (West 96th Street and Central Park West) Opened 9/10/1932:  Current station has 2 exits, Fulltime area is smaller than most platform level IND entrances, 3 steps up to Northbound platform, 1 stair down to lower level at Fulltime side, another at Part time side to 97th St.  Part time side at 97th Street has 2 street stairs, one stair to Northwest corner at 97th St and CPW is relocated with longer passageway (it has 1960’s type of entrance, similar in design to the Lenox Ave stations or Grand St/IND).  This is due to the widening of 97th Street.  An old “K” route bullet sits on the face of this entrance, the line was discontinued on 12/10/1988.  The south end has a closed exit to 95th Street .



86th Street (West 86th Street and Central Park West) Opened 9/10/1932:   only station along CPW to have all station fare control areas left intact.  Station has 3 entrances from 86th to 88th Streets.  86th Street is, of course, the full time area with 2 street stairs and 2 stairs to lower level.  87th St. is exit only and still has old fashioned HXT wheel with 1 street stair and possible ghost booth.  88th St has ghost booth and is HEET accessible 




81st Street Museum of Natural History (West 81st Street and Central Park West)  Opened 9/10/1932:  A good number of movies were filmed inside and outside this station, among them “Men in Black II”, where Will Smith exits the 79th St passageway after nearly been “eaten” by a monster in an mock R32 trainset.  Other films are:  “Hannah and Her Sisters”.  This station was renovated in-house by NYCT forces in 2000 and is a shining example of how renovations should be done, by updating the footprints of the IND tile band and signage, while preserving the integrity of this station, and combing the artwork with the IND footprints in their natural habitat at the same time.  This station serves both the Museum of the same name and the adjacent Rose Center for Earth and Space.  Artwork:  “For Want of a Nail” (1999-2001) done by the staff and design team of the very same MTA Arts for Transit program, features a beautiful array of animals on the upper level and extinct species on the lower level using 4 different types of material, from bronze to glass, to create over 35 different mosaics.  For example:  a lizard is drawn as if he is “walking” on the purple tile band, an owl sits on top of an 81 tile mosaic, while the most interesting artwork is a whale “diving” underneath the platform near the 81st St side.  Full time side is at 81st St and has 2 street stairs.  Part time side has direct entrance to Museum of Natural History and passageway to West 79th St and Central Park West, and 3 staircases from Uptown level to Downtown level.  Most portions of the tile band are 1 tile deep, instead of the usual 3 tile height and are an addition because 81st Street had no tile band.  “MUSEUM” and 81 directional mosaics are a shade of dark purple, instead of the customarily white lettering on black background on most pre-unification IND stations.

According to the MTA Web Site  “…In For Want of a Nail, the artist team used a variety of materials to suggest the range and diversity at the American Museum of Natural History, directly above the subway station. Glass mosaic, glass tile, ceramic tile, granite, and bronze relief are combined in ways that highlight the ten key disciplines at the Museum. The mosaics represent extinct and living animals, the former in grey and the latter in color. The work assembles images from outer space to the earth’s core and from the first organisms to emerge to mammals of today. The artwork was a collaboration between MTA Arts for Transit and the Museum. For Want of a Nail, the title of an old proverb, asks the viewer to consider the way everything is connected.



72nd Street (West 72nd Street-Central Park West) opened 9/10/1932:  Station currently has 2 entrances and a closed exit in the middle of the station.  This station has an interesting street level entrance at the Southwest corner of West 72nd Street and Central Park West; it is one of the longest subway entrances.  Fulltime booth at West 72nd Street has 2 street stairs (including the extra-long entrance), while Part time side at West 70th Street, and has ghost booth and 1 street stair.  Much of the Part time fare control is shortened due to an additional station facility.  There also was a central exit. The West 71st St, has been reopened with HEETs.  The “71” directional tablets, below the large “72nd St” station mosaic tile, are covered up with current black and white lettering signs.  Access to the downtown lower level can be made via any one of the 3 staircases; the center staircase from upper to lower is gated shut.




59th Street Columbus Circle (entire area within Columbus Circle, at Broadway/Central Park West) IRT section opened 10/27/1904, IND section opened 9/10/1932:  This station is fully discussed on the Complexes Page.



50th Street (on 8th Avenue at 50th Street) has two levels.  The upper level opened on 9/10/1932 and is served by the C train has four tracks and two wall platforms with no crossover or crossunder. Fare control is at platform level. The lower level opened on 8/19/1933 and has two tracks and two wall platforms with a curtain wall separating the tracks, also no crossover or crossunder. The lower level serves the E train. The downtown side has an expanded mezzanine area with exits to West 49th and West 50th Streets, plus two elevators, one from the street level to the mezzanine  and the second from the mezzanine to the upper platform to the lower level E platform.  This mezzanine was redone at the same time when the Worldwide Plaza Complex was constructed. Artwork on the downtown  upper level is by Matt Mulligan and was installed in 1998 and features neighborhood life and is untitled. It is on etched granite. Downtown has an escalator to the lower level and exits into a building façade. had closed exits at 51st street  and 52nd  Street.  Also, part of the upper level (C train) is slightly to the north of the lower level. 

According to the MTA Web Site “…Matt Mullican, Untitled, 1989.Etched granite mural in entrance, sponsored by New York Communications Center Associates .Artist Matt Mullican created an 8-foot by 68-foot sandblasted black granite mural that presents a time-line of the history of the station site, atop which sits an office tower. (The subway station was rehabilitated in concert with the office development.) Mullican employs an iconographic visual vocabulary through which he reveals the site’s past as rural, occupied by a cabin, and as a previous site of Madison Square Garden. Depictions of maps and aerial views are also part of the large mural. Mullican’s pictographs reward the repeat visitor with layers of meaning as the piece is viewed again and again. Mullican communicates through a simplified visual system, but his signs provide deeper meaning to those who look.




42nd Street Port Authority Bus Terminal opened on 9/10/1932 and is described on the Complexes Page 




34th Street Penn Station opened on 9/10/1932 and has four tracks. There are two wall platforms serving the local trains and an island platform serving the express trains. It was renovated by Citnalta Construction Company and features art on the lower Mezzanine with a Madison Square Garden theme and has full ADA to all platforms. Alongside the walls of both local platforms are nice IND style replica lettering and tablets showing “Madison Square Garden” . The Garden did not open at their current location until 36 years after the station opened ( 1968) A source within Citnalta advised the curved wall was a real challenge for them (and they did do very well.). The station also has exits to Penn station which serves NJTLIRR, and Amtrak. One fallacy exists with the renovation—the lower mezzanine’s booth is closed overnight and a big backup trying to enter and exit via the HEETs. It is remedied only by crowd control or NYPD opening the turnstiles. This station has numerous ghost booths. Your webmaster has had excellent cooperation from employees, supervisors and managers of the many contractors (in house or external) renovating stations and extends our thanks for their generous assistance.

According to the MTA web site“…The Garden of Circus Delights is the artist’s homage to the circus, which makes annual visits to Madison Square Garden, located above the station, and also connected to the Long Island Rail Road. Eric Fischl’s work is narrative and this work follows in this tradition. A series of murals takes commuters from the familiar to the bizarre circus world. “I thought it would be amusing,” Fischl says, “to do a contemporary Dante’s Inferno, to turn commuting into a spiritual quest.” The murals portray fire-breathers, acrobats, and animals; gradually one realizes that a commuter has left home and been pulled into the circus, where he meets incredible circus characters and then, on the other side of the tent, he emerges in the white light and harmony, a commuter again, but transported and transformed.”



23rd Street (on 8th Avenue at 23rd street) opened on 9/10/1932 and has four tracks and two wall platforms. There is a closed crossunder at 25th street, the north exit. Two exits at 24th street (one per platform) and an open crossunder on the south end. The station is unrenovated. There are numerous ghost booths at this station.



14th Street (on 8th Avenue at 14th Street) opened on 9/10/1932 and is described on the Complexes Page 



West 4th Street (Ave of the Americas between West 3rd St and Waverly Place) Upper level opened 9/10/1932, Lower level opened 12/15/1940. has four tracks on the upper level, serving A,( see A Lefferts and A Rockaway)  C and E trains, a lower Mezzanine and then a lower level serving BFM and former V trains. The lower Mezzanine is full width and length and also holds numerous offices for NYCT. The north end of the upper level has exits to the street. The south end of the upper level ramps up to a crossover and a booth. Full ADA is via the south end. A tower is at the south end of the southbound lower level platform. The North exit leads to West Eighth Street and the south to west Third Street. The exit to west Fourth Street has been removed. The station has a secondary name of Washington Square. 



Spring Street (on 6th Avenue at Spring Street) opened on 9/10/32 and has 4 tracks and two wall platforms with a crossunder at the South end.  The station has numerous closed exits and areas.



Canal Street (on 6th Avenue at Canal Street) opened on 9/10/1932 and has four tracks and two offset island platforms (the offset is due to switches at both ends) with a crossunder at the extreme south end only. There is an artwork entitled “A Gathering” installed in 2000. It is by Walter Martin and Paloma Munoz and features 188 birds in fourteen lifelike poses. The American Museum of Natural History assisted the designers with this project by providing specimens to study. It has been renovated and had a closed passageway and exit to Grand Street.  It was closed due to security concerns by NYCT and the Transit Police (at that time before the 1998 merger.) 

 According to the MTA web Site “…Bronze sculptures on token booth, railings, and beams throughout mezzanine. Walter Martin and Paloma Muñoz have turned the Canal Street Station into a subterranean aviary. There are dozens of birds – 174 grackles and blackbirds, in a number of different poses, and seven crows, all cast in bronze and given a glossy black patina. They are seen roosting on railings and perched in groups, like people waiting for the train, watching, lost in thought, or chatting. Birds, the artists note, are very social creatures – just like New Yorkers, and riders may find echoes of themselves and other subway riders in their lively expressions. Canal Street is a busy commercial thoroughfare, devoid of nature. A Gathering compensates for this by enlivening the space and providing respite from the dense traffic and bustling commercialism above.”




Chambers Street World Trade Center opened on 9/10/1932 and is described on the Complexes Page 



Fulton Street ( originally Broadway Nassau ) opened on 2/1/1933 and is described on the Complexes Page 





High Street Brooklyn Bridge opened on 2/1/1933 and has two tracks and an island platform in a tube design. There are exits at both ends to t full Mezzanine along with evidence (gated stairways) of removed center exits to the Mezzanine. The F Train joins us for one station and we enter the next station 



Jay Street Metro Tech (on Jay Street at Willoughby Street. Multiple entrances all the way from Fulton Mall to Myrtle Avenue on Jay Street) opened on 2/1/1933 and has four tracks and two island platforms. As currently configured there is a mezzanine most of the length of the platforms and a passageway to Fulton Street outside the paid area. There are also HEETs to allow access to Fulton Street.. Based on tile evidence this station has many ghost booths and sealed exits. There are also entrances  to the NYCT building at both ends, the north leading directly into the building and is guarded by Transit Property Protection Agents. This end also has an intermediate level outside the subway entrance there was also a paper transfer to the elevated Myrtle Avenue el which ran on Myrtle Avenue and met the  Brown M train at Broadway Myrtle and is now demolished. The F train leaves us and we press on. This station has been connected to the R train Lawrence Street Station  with a new in system transfer. This complex is described on the complexes page.



Hoyt Schermerhorn (at the  intersection  of Hoyt Street and Schermerhorn Street) opened on 4/9/1936 and is a very unusual station which has lots to see. It has six tracks and four island platforms of which only the inner pair of platforms are in use. The two outer island platforms are used for movie and commercial shoots. The A (See A Lefferts and A Rockaway)  and C use the local side of the open island platforms and the G uses the express. There are numerous sealed stairways and exits including a sealed passageway to Livingston Street and the long gone Loesser’s Department Store via direct entrance to the store. A police facility also occupies the mezzanine along with various NYCT offices. The last use of the outer platforms was for the Aqueduct Race Track specials. While not done today, trains on the local track of the open island could open doors on the closed island’s express track but bold red signs at the conductor’s position  advise “ DO NOT OPEN DOORS—WRONG SIDE”. The “local” tracks on the closed wall platforms lead to the Transit Museum (Court Street Station) and were once used for the short lived Court Street Shuttle which ran from Hoyt to Court Street. Based on track numbers, these tracks were planned to continue to today’s World Trade Center Station on the E train.  (Both lines share the same track letter codes. For more information on this see www.nycsubway.org and Brennan’s page .



Lafayette Street (on Fulton Street at Lafayette Street) opened on 4/9/1936 and has four tracks and two wall platforms with vent chambers on both platforms and the Mezzanine. There are numerous removed stairways to the full Mezzanine. A tower at the south end of the southbound platform is used for G.O. and emergencies only. The north exit leads to South Portland Avenue and Fulton Street and the south to Lafayette and Fulton Streets. As configured there is no crossover in the Mezzanine but it could be reconfigured to allow a free crossover. It is most likely that when the station first opened there were booths at both ends and had a crossover The G Train stop is around the corner with no connection between the two stations. A conductor on the G advised that the two sets of tracks cross under each other making a transfer difficult. (An employee transfer exists behind locked doors on both stations and is only for track qualified employees.) 



Clinton Washington Avenues (on Fulton Street between Clinton and Washington Avenues ) opened on 4/9/1936 and also has four tracks and two wall platforms. Fare control is at platform level with no crossover or crossunder. Each side has at least  one ghost booth.i



Franklin Avenue is discussed on the complexes page



Nostrand Avenue  (on Fulton Street at Nostrand Avenue) opened on4 /9/1936 and is a unique two level station with two wall platforms and two tracks on the upper level and two wall platforms with a curtain wall which hides two more tracks or trackways! In an interesting arrangement the express tracks use the upper level rather than the lower level, the only station in the entire NYC subway system to have that arrangement.  This station was originally planned to be a local station with a mezzanine. The upper platforms are double wide which would be consistent with the design of a Mezzanine. There is a closed passageway with a crossover to Bedford Avenue at the north end of the upper level along with a closed exit to Arlington Place. The lower level has a curtain wall separating the two tracks. If you are fortunate enough to get a rail fan window view you can see the express rising and see the local track directly under the express platforms. If you had x-ray vision the local tracks are under the express platforms. There is no direct entrance to the LIRR station which is two blocks south on street. From the northbound platform’s south end a hole in the curtain wall allows a bright flashlight beam to show the two center tracks or trackways.  




Kingston Throop Avenues (on Fulton Street between Kingston and Throop Avenues ) opened on 4/9/1936 and has four tracks and two offset wall platforms with no crossover or crossunder .Northbound has   a center exit to Throop Avenue and southbound has an exit at the north end to Kingston Avenue . The name “Throop” is pronounced “Troop.” (The letter H is Silent .)



Utica Avenue (On Fulton Street at Utica Avenue) opened on 4/9/1936 and has four tracks and two wall platforms. This station has a shell for a future Utica Avenue IND subway. For more information see Brennan’s page and www.nycsubway.org.  Platforms widen toward the center. There are exists at both ends and the center. The center exit leads to an intermediate level and has an artwork entitled “Children’s Cathedral” by Jimmy James Greene and was installed in 1996. A close look at the ceiling reveals the trackways for this future subway as well as double doors on the intermediate level at the center exit.  The once full mezzanine’s center portion is now employee space and holds a big secret– A mosaic tablet points the way to a slabbed over exit to Stuyvesant avenue.

According to the MTA Web site “…Ceramic mosaic and iron grillwork in passageways leading to platforms. Dominating one of Jimmy James Greene’s huge mosaic panels in the Utica Avenue station is a plump yellow angel on rollerblades. Perhaps more than any image in the ten panels that compose Children’s Cathedral, this demonstrates the artist’s intentions: to reflect the desires, dreams and memories of the community’s children in their own drawings. “At first,” he says, “I talked with the kids about how they play, learn, pray, and celebrate. Then they drew.” What emerged were images of the neighborhood: shops, a woman pushing a baby carriage, a teacher in class, plants, flowers, and, most of all, children in action: singing in choir, jumping rope, reading, riding bikes. The artist took hundreds of the children’s images and arranged them into eight groupings, adding color to the pencil drawings. “They were the soloists,” he says, “I was the orchestra leader.”



Ralph Avenue  (on Fulton Street at Ralph Avenue ) opened on 4/9/1936 and has four tracks and two wall platforms. There are numerous closed and removed stairways along with an exit at the south end to Howard Avenue. A mosaic tablet “to Howard Avenue” was still visible in the mezzanine. The south mezzanine is closed with the booth in the center leading to the north exit to Ralph Avenue, however the street level entrances on Howard Avenue remain intact. This station once had a booth at each end. 



Rockaway Avenue (on Fulton Street at Hopkinson Avenue (Thomas Boyland Street) opened on 4/9/1936 and has four tracks and two wall platforms. South end leads to Rockaway Avenue with no crossover or crossunder and the North exit has a crossover and leads to Hopkinson Avenue (Thomas Boyland Street). The southbound platform is slightly longer than the northbound platform. The northbound side at Rockaway Avenue has a ghost booth, a victim of the hit list of a rash of booth closures  in 2003.



Broadway Junction (Entrance at Van Sinderen Avenue between  Fulton Street and Eastern Parkway )opened on 12/30/1946 as Broadway East New York and is described on the Complexes Page 

The next three stations are unique in being the first stations to have had fluorescent lighting when opened and feature beige tile rather than white and blue and white name tiles rather than black and white. 




Liberty Avenue (on Pennsylvania Avenue at Liberty Avenue) opened on 4/9/1936 and has four tracks and two wall platforms .The exit is in the center with two stairways to a crossover. Exit is to Liberty and Pennsylvania Avenues Old signs indicate “To Manhattan” and “To Richmond Hill and Ozone Park” and “public Telephone” (no phone !) At platform level there was a wide area under the stairways now used for storage. No ads were found.



Van Siclen Avenue (on Pitkin Avenue at Hendrix Street) opened on 4/9/1936 and has four tracks and two wall platforms The station also has a crossover but has single double wide stairway to the Mezzanine. No ads were found. If there was an exit to Van Siclen is it sealed. 



Shepherd Avenue (on Pitkin Avenue at Shepherd Avenue) opened on 4/9/1936 and has four tracks and two wall platforms. Resembles Van Siclen and has a crossover. No ads were found



Euclid Avenue (on Pitkin Avenue at Euclid Avenue) opened on 11/28/1948 and has four tracks and two island platforms. It represents the first expansion of the IND since the Sixth Avenue Line opened in 1940There is a crossover at the south end. This is the end of the C train. Normally the C uses the local track but can use the express track. which is currently used by the A Train ( See A Lefferts and A Rockaway)

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