Kaylee Gain recovering — but missing part of her skull — after vicious beatdown by classmate, family says

Kaylee Gain, a teenager from Missouri, was hurt badly at school.she hit her head many times, and she had to stay in the hospital for a long time.

Now she’s back home, but she still needs more surgeries to get okay Her family says she’s doing better, but she’s still not back to normal.

She had part of her skull removed to help her brain, but it hasn’t been put back yet. She also has trouble remembering things for a short time. She has to wear a special helmet to keep her brain safe.

Her family’s lawyers said Kaylee has made a lot of progress, but there’s still a long way to go before she’s completely better.

They explained that while Kaylee was in the hospital, doctors had to do a special surgery called a craniectomy.

This surgery meant taking out a piece of Kaylee’s skull to help her brain. But even though it’s been removed for a while, they haven’t been able to put it back yet.

Kaylee’s family is thankful she’s back home, but they know she still has a tough journey ahead. She spent many months in the hospital and then more time in a rehab center to learn how to do things again.

Even though she’s home now, she still needs to see doctors and have more surgeries to help her head heal. Despite all she’s been through, Kaylee is staying strong.

She wears her helmet to protect her head and keeps going with her treatments. Her family and friends are there to support her every step of the way. They’re hopeful that, with time and care, Kaylee will make a full recovery and be back to her old self again.

She’s getting better by going to therapy three times a week. She’ll need to go to the hospital again to put the piece of her skull back.

Later this summer, Gain will have a lot of tests to see how her brain is doing after the accident.

This news comes just before the person who hurt her goes to court. The judge will decide if they should be treated like adults or not.

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Because Gain is not feeling well, she won’t be at the hearing tomorrow. But her mom, dad, stepmom, and lawyer will go instead.

The lawyer said the family will accept whatever the judge decides.

Gain got very hurt during a fight near her school in Missouri. She was in a coma after the fight, where another girl hit her head on the ground many times.

Gain woke up from being asleep for a long time, but she couldn’t remember the big fight.

The family of the person who hurt her said the young person was protecting themselves, and they got lots of mean messages about race after what happened.

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