7 Top Marketing Blogs That Accept Guests Posts


Has the digital marketing industry caught your interest? You’re looking for a way to make a name but you don’t know where or how to start? Looking for marketing blogs that accept guest posts would be a great starting point.

Guest posting is one of the easiest ways to get recognized in the marketing world. Making a guest post is a marketing strategy that involves writing articles/blogs and then publishing them on someone’s website. It doesn’t just end there; as a way to market your products, you can then include an affiliate link in the content you have generated. This is a very easy way to boost free site traffic because it allows you to reach a new audience and also boosts SEO ranking. Making guest posts also helps you partner and collaborate with other bloggers and influencers in your niche.

While making guest posts can be quite easy to do, finding the right marketing blogs that accept guest posts can be an uphill battle.  In this article, we’ll be listing some top marketing blogs that accept guest posts so you can make your choice.

Marketing Blogs That Accept Guests Posts

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1. Social Media Examiner

The Social media examiner blog is one of the marketing blogs that accepts guest posts. It is a very popular marketing blog and it is highly ranked. It covers a lot of topics on social media marketing. It’s a great start for beginners and it is also commonly used by experienced marketers.

The Social Media Examiner accepts guest posts from qualified writers. Starting is a quite straightforward process; you’ll have to read the guidelines so you’ll be informed of the writing style and content that is acceptable on the site. Once that is done, you’ll have to propose and submit your idea of the kind of guest posts you want to make to the editor. If your idea is accepted and approved, you’ll be given the go-ahead to write your article, and a deadline for when you should submit your article will also be given. Upon submission, the editor will assess and examine your content, making necessary corrections and changes.

To increase your chances of your guest post being accepted on Social Media Examiner, you have to ensure your article is well-written, free from errors and suits the recommended writing style of the site. Your article should be quite engaging and very interesting, because this would help generate traffic and keep the readers captivated.

2. CopyBlogger

CopyBlogger is among the top-rated marketing blogs that accept guest posts. CopyBloggers has been around for over a decade now and it’s still a valuable resource tool for content writers. The CopyBlogger site is known for its top-notch content; it doesn’t accept or publish low-standard articles that would go against its standards.  If you’re interested in making a guest post on the CopyBlogger site, it is important that you go to the site and read the guidelines on the kind of content it accepts.  This would prevent your article from being rejected.

The CopyBlogger site is looking for well-skilled writers and content that meets the mark. When writing your article for submission on the CopyBlogger site, it is very important that you pull out all the stops. This is a great way to ensure that your article is unique, original, and of high quality.  That’s what the site is looking for, since it’s known for its high standards.

3. Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Journal is listed among the marketing blogs that accept guest posts. The Search Engine Journal (SEJ) is a very popular option among marketers who are looking for ways to get their work published. Search Engine Journal is also common among bloggers who have an interest in social media marketing, email marketing and content marketing.

Just like the CopyBlogger site we just talked about, the Search Engine Journal is known for its high standards and it only publishes the best of the best content. The editorial and publishing teams take their time to assess and examine every article to ensure it meets the standards of the site.

One unique thing about the Search Engine Journal site is that it helps promote guest posts.  It gives publicity to every approved article that meets standards of quality.  All approved articles are shared in the weekly newsletter and also on social media. So if you’re looking for a blog that would give you and your brand the exposure you need and also generate more traffic to your site, then the Search Engine Journal is a great option for you.

4. Content Marketing Institute

The Content Marketing Institute, also known as the CMI, is a high-quality marketing blog that accepts guest posts.  The Content Marketing Institute is known for its quality content and also has rules and guidelines that must be strictly followed.

It’s been stated that all guest posts should be centered around content marketing; they should also be original and unique. It must not have been previously published anywhere and all guest posts must be at least 800 words, with at least one link being attached to each post.

Just as I mentioned earlier,  the Content Marketing Institute is very selective and has strict rules that must be followed. The site only accepts posts that are well-written and well-researched. The experience and professionalism of the content marketers must be seen in the post.

The Content Marketing Institute is a great option for marketers because of its large audience,  so whatever guest posts you’re making there, you’re sure they’re going to have a large reach. Also, it has been able to have a good stand in the market, since many of its marketers and audience know it for its high-quality and professional content.

5. HubSpot Blog

Just like every other marketing blog that accepts guest posts, the HubSpot Blog has its own rules and guidelines for accepting guest posts. It only accepts guest posts that meet those laid-down rules and guidelines. Since the  HubSpot blog is known for its outstanding and top-rated content, it has a team of editors that work hand in hand to ensure that all the guest posts submitted are carefully examined and assessed before they are published. Every correction and necessary change that should be made to the articles would be made before being published.

The HubSpot Blog is widely used among marketers because of its large audience.  This means that as long as your content is of good quality and also meets the guidelines and requirements of the site, when published, it will reach a larger audience, giving you the right kind of publicity you need.

6. The Buffer Blog

The Buffer Blog is the sixth marketing blog on our list of marketing blogs that accept guest posts. The Buffer blog is another top-rated marketing blog that accepts guest posts. Just like the Content Marketing Institute is focused on content marketing, the Buffer blog is centered on social media marketing.

The Large target audience of the blog is one reason why it is used by many digital marketers. Because there’s a possibility of your post reaching a much larger audience, giving you the visibility you need.

When making a post on the Buffer blog, you should ensure that your posts are well-written and free from errors. You should also read the guidelines to be informed on the quality of posts the blog is expecting from marketers.

7. The Hootsuite Blog

The Hootsuite Blog is also one of the marketing blogs that accept guest posts. The process of submitting a guest post on this site is not as straightforward as others. To submit a guest post to the Hootsuite Blog, marketers need to fill out a form on the website, the form is to gather information about your proposed content, including the title of the content, a brief summary, and an outline of the main points. The form is also used to determine the quality of the post and your experience as a digital marketer.  Once you’re done filling out the form, you can proceed to submit it.

When filling out the form on the Hootsuite website, you have to be very careful and ensure you answer accurately all the questions that are being asked.  This would have a great impact on determining whether your post would be accepted or declined. The disadvantage of this process is that it can be quite tasking and time-consuming but it is actually worth the time because if your post is accepted, you’re one step closer to getting the visibility you need.


In conclusion,  we’ve looked at seven of the most popular marketing blogs that accept guest posts.  As a digital marketer, making guest posts can be a great way to gain visibility and have more exposure for your work. Just as we stated earlier, this can also be a great way to build and strengthen your bond with other bloggers, influencers, and marketers.

The best way to find the right marketing blog for your guest post is to do some research about them and make sure that the blog aligns with your goals and values. It’s also important to read the guidelines to know what each site requires to avoid your posts being rejected.




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