The Best Vegan Clothing Brand: Top 12 Vegan Clothing Brands


Vegan clothing is one of the latest fashions everyone desires to switch to. They offer a high quality and sustainable standard, which has attracted many people to become vegans. It is so obvious that vegan clothing is currently flooding various stores.

When selecting the best vegan clothing brand, it is necessary to understand what vegan clothing means. They are made without any use of animal skin; that is, they are animal-free cloth. Relating to the best vegan clothing brands, we have some major top brands taking over the market presently.

In this article, we will explore what the best vegan clothing brands are, their types and benefits, and how you can get them.

Top 12 Best Vegan Clothing Brands

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The following are the top 12 best vegan clothing brands:

1. Soul Shine

This is a brand from Australia with a high demand for vegan products. The brand is into the production of t-shirts and tanks for both men and women. On this cloth, they are more involved in the printing of the design and writing on it. Above all, this brand has been well built and sustains consistent quality production.

2. Will Vegan

This is a brand that deals in all kinds of shoes, belts, wallets and bags. It is established in the UK as a vegan brand that offers a variety of vegan products.

3. Wukly

This is another best vegan clothing that deals with wear without any combination of animal skin. It is made in Canada, where they produce different jackets for men and women. The brand aims at producing products that have high quality and not quantity; that is, you get exactly the quality you paid for.

4. Beyond Skin

This is another brand from the U.K. that deals with vegan shoes. Their brand is strictly for women. The materials used in producing vegan products are mostly made from recycled plastic bottles.

5. Dan and Mez

They are a company based in Canada that is into different vegan accessories like bags, wallets, belts, etc. It is made for both men and women.

6. Della

This is a brand from West Africa. It is mainly for females due to the type of production, which includes bags, dresses, tops, etc. They have a fashion design that has made Della unique.

7. Brave Gentlemen

This is a brand from London with the uniqueness of producing quality men’s wear like underwear tops and custom suits. They produce a limited number of products every year.

8. Jill Milan

This is a brand that deals with the offering of accessories with hands; they deal with craftsmanship throughout.

9. Poethic

This is a unique and special vegan product that uses materials like organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, tencel, recycled fibers, etc. Vegan clothing is designed mainly for women and includes products like tops, bags and accessories.

10. Bleed clothing

It is a brand that is seen as German fashion. They produce garments for both men and women, which includes tanks, hoodies, long sleeves, swimwear, etc.

11. Slow Label

The Slow Label was founded by Anna Laura Kunmme, who is known as an influencer blogger and YouTuber. Her brands are usually pure vegan and free from animal skin. This product includes leggings, bras, tees, etc.

12. Dariadeh

This is another vegan fashion produced by Daria Alizadel, who is also a well-known influencer, blogger, and YouTuber. They offer long sleeves and hoodies.

Features Of Best Vegan Clothing Brand

The best clothing brand for vegans is related to clothing that does not have any animal components. This best vegan clothing brand has gained a lot of popularity and has influenced a lot of customers today. The best vegan has its own features, which are:

High Quality

This is one of the features of vegan clothing that has made different brands unique and special compared to other clothing brands. They offer high-quality clothing that suits the tastes of their customers, in the sense that what you pay for, you will receive and not the other way around.

Animal-Free Cloth

They produce clothes that are free from animal skin by using materials like organic cotton, bamboo and recycled fiber. Despite the fact that they don’t use animal skin for production, their product still looks attractive and well designed.


Over the years, they have been able to maintain a high level of sustainability for the brand. This means that there is a standard for what they produce that has remained the same. As a result of this, they have been able to sustain and retain their regular customers.


This is another sensitive feature of some of the best vegan clothing brands. They produce varieties of products to enable their customers to have access to any vegan product of their choice, like t-shirts, tops, bags, accessories, long sleeves, swimwear, etc.


The vegan brands offer attractive wear that suits the tastes of their customers. Their products are combined with different designs and write-ups to make them look beautiful and attractive.

Benefits Of Vegan Clothing

The benefits of vegan clothing make it worth more to stick with or switch to vegan products. The following are the benefits of vegan clothing:

1. Reduces Demands For Animal Materials

One of the benefits of being vegan is that it does not place demands on animal materials like other brands, which could result in high demands on animal materials. More so, the company doesn’t need to depend on or hold on to their production until they get animal skin.

2. Conserving Resources

This is another benefit of vegan products. It conserves a resource that does not require so much quantity of material resources before they can offer out vegan’s product.

3. Minimizing pollution

It seems vegans do not need animal material; definitely, the pollution of the environment will be minimized or reduced. Animal skins attract a lot of pollution into the environment, but with vegan materials, we are free from pollution.


Versatility has to do with the ability to do so many things at a time. This is one of the benefits of vegan clothing.  They have the ability or capacity to offer different products of high quality.

5. Duration

The production of vegan clothing does not require so much time. More so, the lasting duration of their product is very long. This is another reason you should stick to vegan clothing so that it can last for a longer period of time.

6. Improvement In Breath Ability And Temperature

This is another benefit of vegan clothing. It seems it is free from animal skin, and the material used is very conducive and comfortable to the body. It allows you to breathe easily and also cope with different temperatures.

Note that your comfort in a garment determines the brand and materials used, which is another reason you should know about the best vegan clothing brands.

7. The Standard Remains The Same

The standard of their product remains the same, which has made it easier for their regular customers to recognize and identify vegan products easily. For you to also enjoy this benefit, you must be a regular customer of vegan clothing brands.

How To Buy The Best Clothing From Vegan Brands

For you to be able to buy any kind of vegan clothing, you need to know how to identify and avoid buying garments that are not vegan brands. The following entails how you can find the best vegan clothing brands:

1. Feel it

To know materials that are free from animals’ skin, you need to first feel them with your hands. Most especially when you feel a fur on the body of the material, it means it is made of animal skin. Fur is like the texture of your hair, which you can also feel in animal skin. This is another reason you must feel properly before purchasing a product.

2. Know Your Garment

You must be able to know your garment by checking the standard of your materials, such as cotton when buying a t-shirt and wool while checking for a suit.

3. Read The Garment Label

Always check the label while purchasing a garment. A label is where the details of the materials are listed.

4. Re-check

Sometimes animal materials can be found in the hiding area of the garment. That is why it is important to check every area of your product, like the pocket, the neck, the button area, etc.

5. Buy From A Trusted Source

You must get your vegan product from a reliable source. This is the main reason you should purchase your vegan garment or product from their companies or shopping malls, where they specialize in vegan products. For you to do this accurately, you should be able to do research on where to find their companies.

Final Word

Vegan clothing is growing tremendously as a result of its quality and sustainability. You can also be a part of their customer base for any vegan brand, depending on your choice.

More so, for a wide understanding of what the best vegan clothing brand is all about, there is a need to critically read it over again.


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