11 Quirky and Unusual Marketplace Listings (New Pics)

Quirky and Unusual Marketplace Listings

The internet is full of secondhand items, a huge mix of things. Among the usual stuff, some items stand out as funny or unique treasures, maybe they’ll inspire you to host your own garage sale.

1. Jean couch $100

Quirky and Unusual Marketplace Listings

Jean couch for $100: because denim dreams are best enjoyed with throwback music and questionable fashion choices

2. Minion fire pit.. almost complete

Quirky and Unusual Marketplace Listings

Minion fire pit, almost complete: because who wouldn’t want to roast marshmallows over a minion’s head

3. Two refrigerators for sale $100

Quirky and Unusual Marketplace Listings

Two refrigerators for $100: one for food, one for storing your collection of condiments

4. Tesla Cybertruck $120,000

Tesla Cybertruck for $120,000: when you want to roll up to the PTA meeting in style

5. Loafers, one size fits all $45

Loafers, one size fits all for $45: the perfect footwear for those who aspire to be clown-sized


6. The last slice of papa gino’s cheeze pizza (Welldone) $65

The last slice of papa gino’s cheese pizza (Well done) for $65: the crown jewel of late-night snacks, with extra crispy memories

7. Contemporary art piece $100

Contemporary art piece for $100: because sometimes a canvas with random paint splatters is worth a century

8. Extra large, indestructible dog crate $100

Quirky and Unusual Marketplace Listings

Extra-large, indestructible dog crate for $100: because your pet deserves a fortress fit for a canine king

9. Idk… I kind of wish I would have bought it now

Idk… I kind of wish I would have bought it now: the saga of regret and missed opportunities, starring your browsing history

10. Home grown corn seahorse $45

Homegrown corn seahorse for $45: because every garden needs a touch of aquatic whimsy

11. Caricature of Taylor swift

Caricature of Taylor Swift: for when you want to hang a masterpiece that’s… somewhat familiar

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