15 Moments That Made People Realize They Are Not So Young Anymore

As we go through life, there are funny and surprising moments that make us realize we’re not as young as we used to be. These moments happen when we don’t understand new trends, struggle with the latest technology, or notice changes in our bodies.
People on
Reddit have been sharing these moments when life reminds them they’re getting older and that their expiration date is approaching, even if they don’t know exactly when their time will come.


1. When TikTok dropped 

Image source: Solen Feyissa / unsplash (not the actual photo)

Top_Difficulty5399: TikTok….when that app dropped I just instantly morphed into a dinosaur.


2. The moment I started considering 9 PM as “late”

Image source: cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)


Rylee_Pena2939: The moment I started considering 9 PM as “late” and got excited about buying a new type of vacuum cleaner.


3. Period of being out of high school

Image source: Dids . / pexels (not the actual photo)


RSwordsman: I’ve been out of high school for about as long as current teenagers have been alive.


4. Age is right 

Image source: Tim Samuel / pexels (not the actual photo)


JojoNono17: Having to scroll for my birth year to show up.


5. When I started acting like my parents

Image source: cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)


Ok_Weakness827: When I started acting like my parents and want to stay home then rather going to parties. Feel excited for decorating or cleaning my house.


6. I call these moments “coffin nails”

Image source: Andrea Piacquadio / pexels (not the actual photo)


model563: I call these moments “coffin nails”

  1. The first was when I worked at a record store and when chatting with a customer, said customer’s kid asked “what’s Atari?”
  2. Later, a friend of mine worked with teens, one of those teens asked me if I was a skater “back in the day” making me realize my youth was in fact “back in the day” to some people.
  3. Hearing music I loved as a teen/young adult on “classic” radio stations.
  4. Also being mocked for listening to radio.
  5. A couple years ago, I found out I was the same age as a co-worker’s mother.
  6. As of last year, 2 of my brother’s 3 kids are old enough to drink.
  7. Just now realizing I’m the same age now as Wilford Brimley was in Cocoon.


It just keeps coming :D.


7. The constant aches and pains

Image source: Karolina Grabowska / pexels (not the actual photo)


SadChicken24: The constant aches and pains. But the big one was when my hobbies and daydreams changed to stuff like gardening, canning, crocheting, and fixing up my property.

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8. When a song from my youth plays on the radio

Image source: Naadir Shahul / unsplash (not the actual photo)


flamingo_uprising: When a song from my youth plays on the radio and the dj calls it a classic or an oldie.


9. Younger people in restaurants or stores say “u” to me

Image source: Steshka Willems / pexels (not the actual photo)


Honest_Math_7760: I’m from the Netherlands were instead of **you** we have two different words for it.

We say “jij” to someone that’s younger than you or equal to your age or in informal settings.

We say “u” to people that are older and in formal settings.


I’m 28 and suddenly younger people in restaurants or stores say “u” to me.

That’s when I realized I’m getting old.


10. Realizing we had nothing in common anymore beyond the memories

Image source: Kevin Curtis / unsplash (not the actual photo)

Competitive-Term-618: Coming home from wherever work would send me and trying to hang out with friends. Realizing we had nothing in common anymore beyond the memories.


11. It’s when celebrities pass away

Image source: Ron Lach / pexels (not the actual photo)

bald_alpaca: For me, it’s when celebrities pass away. I’m always like, ‘No way! They’ve been around since I was….’ Oh no! The math is the worst part.


12. My knees crack when I get up

Image source: Towfiqu barbhuiya / pexels (not the actual photo)

NewParent23: My knees crack when I get up. Also, I do that weird dad groan while doing it.


13. When I turned on the Grammy awards

Image source: songsimian (not the actual photo)


OriginalState2988: I turned on the Grammy awards and I had no clue who the majority of performers were. Years ago I knew all of them.


14. The oldies station was playing songs

Image source: Skylar Kang / pexels (not the actual photo)


Dry-Standard3837: The oldies station was playing songs and I remember when they were released.


15. I now get upset by a haircut

Image source: Alternative_Taste166


Alternative_Taste166: There’s a haircut that gen z/alpha have that pisses me off. I hate that I now get upset by a haircut. I don’t want to be old.

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